Mangaldas Ni Haveli Architecture Drawings

Mangaldas ni Haveli I is located in the heart of the historic walled city of Ahmedabad. This beautiful 250 years old carved wooden villa, built in traditional style with a central courtyard, has been painstakingly restored. Located just a 12-15 minute from The House of MG, the rickshaw ride to it is an experience in itself as it meanders. Discover Traditional Architecture & Art Tour Time – 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Covers – Bhadra FIrt & Mandir, Rogan Art, Mangaldas ni Haveli I & 2, Jagdeep Mehta ni Haveli, Mata ni Pachedi Art. The Custodian of Heritage: a heart to heart talk with Heritage Entrepreneur Abhay Mangaldas. Gujarati Heritage Interview. By Anurita Rathore. A landmark with a fantastic address. House of MG, opposite Sidi Sayyed mosque, has bustling energy in its surroundings, offering a glimpse of everyday life, albeit at the comfortable distance.


About 250 years old, this mansion belonged to a Nagar Brahmin family in the old city,

in Lakha Patel ni Pol, in the Sakdi Sheri area, and was acquired by the Mangaldas family only in the 21st century, to restore as a residence for guests overflowing from The House of MG main

Mangaldas Ni Haveli Architecture Drawings

boutique hotel.

The ancient woodwork has been restored and beautifully picked out in muted greens and creamy whites, both within the rooms with their wood-beamed ceilings and across the fantastically carved façade. The furnishings are simple and bright, allowing the gorgeous bones of the building itself to be the highlight. An integrated rainwater harvesting system flows into underground tanks. There are

only two suite-style rooms — definitely in line with The House of MG boutique property ethos. (The main property, where you will be handed your keys, is a 15-minute rickshaw ride from here.)

The Heritage Terrace Suite spills across the courtyard verandah into a charming sitout and stairs take you to the upstairs terrace. The Courtyard Suite has a delightful layout of connecting rooms

cater-cornered around the central well. Mangaldas ni Haveli II is very close, and worth popping over to for its Pol Kholi café with local snacks in a curated outdoor ambience, if the street stalls prove too hectic for you.

Contact Details

Location: Near Manek Chowk


Address: Mangaldas ni Haveli I,

Lakha Patel ni Pol, Sakdi Sheri,


Khadia, Ahmedabad

Tel: 079-25506946 (The House of MG)

Cell: 09727600300




Nearby: Hathee Singh Jain Temple is a couple of kilometers from Haveli I and is another example of the exquisitely carved architecture of this particular region, this time with a trader’s wealth behind its establishment in the 18th century.

Mangaldas Ni Haveli Architecture Drawings

Mangaldas ni haveli architecture drawings images

Dada Harir ni Vav 500 years old has carvings that are highlighted by sunlight around mid-morning and later, including inscriptions in both the Arabic and Sanskrit scripts.

Kankaria Lake established in 1451 by Sultan Qutb-ud-din has been rejuventated into a lovely urban space, pedestrian-friendly and lively even during the night. There’s a toy train and space for children to play; as well as open-air entertainment along with yummy street food stalls.

Mangaldas Ni Haveli Architecture Drawings Pictures


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