Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version

Reviewed by Yuri Storchak

  1. Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Free
  2. Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Download
  3. Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Cheats
  4. Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Free Download
  5. Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version
ChickenArcade/Action. The power-seeking chickens don't give up their plans about world domination. They decide to attack our planet on Christmas Eve, when all people are busy with preparation to the holiday. The only hope of our civilization is you. Take a spacecraft and defend peaceful people from invading chickens. Avoid meteorites and falling eggs; collect power ups to upgrade the spacecraft's weapon. Play with your friend together and put these cheeky chickens on their place.

The chicken's from space are back and this time they're taking on Christmas in Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition. This time the chickens intend on making good their desire to conquer the world. In this edition the old skills are called back as the user must gather items in order to make one's spaceship more powerful. Download Games Chicken Invaders 2 Full Version For PC Chicken Invaders 2 released for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux systems. Currently, there are four (Soon to be five) video games in the series, along with four special editions.

Style and atmosphere inside the game:
Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition is really an exciting game with highly detailed colorful graphics, great sound effects and appropriate music. Cosmic backgrounds impress you by its quality and design. You never forget this breathtaking trip around numerous planets of our Galaxy.
Offline gameplay: 1-2 players. Multiplayer support
Publisher: Laste
ESRB Ratio: Everyone (6+)

Extras and features:
· High Quality Colorful Graphics
· Repulse Over 110 Chickens' attacks
· Numerous Upgrades of Weapon
· Skill Bonuses
· If you lost a game, you must start from the very beginning

Requirements: Windows 95/98/98SE
Processor: Pentium 166 MHz
DirectX 7


Just when you thought it was safe to eat chicken again, the chickens have returned with an organized invasion to take over the entire solar system! Journey to each planet and fight your way through to save the world (again)!
In the first chapter of the Chicken Invaders saga, you defended earth against an invasion of intergalactic chickens seeking revenge for the oppression of their earthly brethren. However, as you were clearing out the last of the chicken invaders and were looking forward to a double chicken burger special at the space burger bar, the true scale of the problem became apparent: the first invasion was simply a precursor to the chicken's main assault! Their master plan now becomes clear: to invade each planet in the solar system and make sure that it is inhabited exclusively by chickens!
The time has now come to don your teflon-coated, egg-repulsing helmet and make the biggest omelette you've ever made as you continue your adventure in the second chapter of Chicken Invaders: The Next Wave. Only you can make a difference. Will you succeed? Will the future of chicken burgers be secure? Or will you end up as part of the menu in a galactic chicken restaurant?Chicken

How to Download free Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition

Click here to Download free Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition

System Requirements

Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP.
Required: DirectX 7.0, Pentium 166
Recommended: Pentium II, Sound card
It is recommended that you set the detail level to 'low' through the menu options if your processor is slower than 200MHz. A processor faster than 266MHz is also recommended for two-player games.

Playing the Game

The game is divided into 11 planets, each of which is made up by 10 waves. To advance through each wave, fire your spaceship guns at chickens to destroy them while avoiding falling eggs, asteroids, and other dangerous items. You can increase your spaceship's firepower as well as your chances of staying alive by collecting various bonuses that appear as chickens are killed. The game ends when you successfully complete all 110 waves (wee!), or you lose all your lives (boo!), whichever comes first. Good luck!

Menu Options

Detail (Low/High)
The 'high' setting displays all optional effects. Set this to 'low' to speed up the game by removing some fire and smoke effects. The low setting is recommended for processors slower than 200MHz.
Lives (Individual/Shared)
This option applies only to the two-player game. In the 'individual' setting, each player has their own separate lives, and if one player loses all lives, the other one continues playing on their own. In the 'shared' setting, lives are shared between players, and if a player dies, a life is 'borrowed' from the other player. This setting ensures that both players play together for as long as possible.
Player (Rookie/Veteran)
This option controls the game's difficulty level. The 'rookie' setting is easy and is suitable for inexperienced players playing Chicken Invaders for the first time. If you have played Chicken Invaders 1, or have extensive experience of Chicken Invaders 2, the 'veteran' setting is the one for you. Things are much harder in this level, chickens take more hits to kill, they fire faster, and some helpful bonuses are disabled. However, if you play at this level you'll be able to score three times as many points as in the 'rookie' level, giving you a better chance at the internet high score tables. It's your call. It's your call.
Cheats (Off/On)
Enables the cheat keys. This feature is only available in the registered version of the game.
Re-configures the control keys. Each player has keys for moving left, right, up, down, firing the ship's guns and firing the missiles. Note that each key can only be assigned to a single control. Simply click on the control you want to re-define, and then:
  • To use the keyboard, press the desired keyboard key.
  • To use a joystick or gamepad, press a joystick button or move the stick in the appropriate direction.
  • To use the mouse, click a mouse button or move the pointer to the corresponding screen edge. For example, to select 'mouseup', move the pointer to the top of the screen.
Although a mouse is not the ideal controller for this type of game, a few tips may help you get the most out of it. Firstly, moving the mouse faster won't make your ship go any faster, it will just make you run out of mouse mat space :). Instead, slowly but steadily move the mouse in the appropriate direction, and your ship will follow. Secondly, you may find it helpful to only bind the mouse to the left and right controls. You'll be at a disadvantage because you won't be able to move up or down, but your ship will be significantly simpler to control.
In addition to the keys you can configure, the following keys may be used:
ESC (escape)
Chicken invaders 2 christmas edition full version
Press Esc to cancel options, to return to the previous menu, or to bypass the introductory and cutscene sequences.
PAUSE (break)
Press Pause to, well, pause the game. This only has an effect while a game is in progress.

Bonus Guide

Chicken Invaders 2 has an extensive skill bonus system. Bonuses boost your score and can be awarded for a variety of reasons:
Awarded when a whole roast chicken is collected.

Chicken invaders 2 christmas edition full version
Awarded at later levels to improve the weapon's power level if it's very low. This bonus is only available in the 'rookie' difficulty level.
Destroyer (two-player game only)
Awarded at the end of each wave to the player that killed the most chickens in that wave.

Early Bird
Awarded if a chicken is killed within 3 seconds of starting a new wave.
Awarded at the end of each wave when the number of chickens killed exceeds the number of times fire was pressed (more easily attainable with higher weapon power levels).
Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version

Extra Life

Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Free

Additional life awarded every 1,000,000 points.

Awarded every time a weapon powerup is collected.

Life Assist (two-player game only)
Awarded to the player that lends a life in order to keep the other player alive (when the second player's lives have been exhausted).
Max Power
Awarded when the 11th 'hidden' weapon power level is attained. This can be achieved by collecting 10 additional powerups beyond the maximum normal power level (that is, 20 powerups in total).
Awarded every time a group of chickens are killed together (no more than 1-second separation between kills).

This bonus is so mysterious, even we don't know what it does... if you find out, let us know.
Teamplay (two-player game only)

Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Download

Awarded when the two players share a powerup or weapon bonus. Bonuses can be shared (both players receive the bonus) if both spaceships are positioned on top of one another. Be warned that this is easier said than done in the heat of the battle, however.
Awarded when 100 coins have been collected.

Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Cheats

Awarded every time a weapon switch bonus (gift box) is collected.
Additionally, there is a bonus level available on the 9th wave of each planet, just before the final (boss) wave. To access this bonus, you must not fire a missile on any of the previous 8 waves. If two players are playing, neither must use a missile.

Weapons Guide

Your ship is equipped with a multi-purpose gun emplacement that can accept three different types of weapon:
Ion blaster (this is the weapon you start out with). Good all-purpose weapon with a fast re-fire rate and accelerating projectiles. Its main advantage is that it spreads out at higher power levels, allowing your ship to cover a wider area. However, it's difficult to deliver concentrated firepower with the ion blaster unless you get really close to the enemy.
Neutron gun. 25% more powerful than the ion blaster, this weapon can deliver more damage than other weapons, especially at high power levels. Although primarily foward-facing, the neutron gun offers some spread with increasing power levels. Its main disadvantages are the average projectile speed and a slow re-fire rate.
Laser cannon. Fires lightning-fast bolts of focused energy, instantly barbecuing any chickens that cross its path. An extremely fast re-fire rate more than makes up for this weapon's reduced power (20% less than the ion blaster). Another limitation is that the laser cannon can only shoot directly forward.
You can change the weapon type by collecting the differently colored presents that sometimes drop down when a chicken is killed. Unfortunately, when you die, your firepower is halved.
Your weapon power can be increased by collecting atomic powerups. There are 10 normal levels of power. An 11th 'secret' power level is given when 20 atomic powerups are collected (10 beyond the normal limit), but remember that you lose half of them every time you die. The 11th power level more than doubles the strength of your weapon.
Your ship is additionally equipped with a missile launcher. Missiles are automatically guided to the center of the screen, where they explode damaging all enemies. An all-powerful weapon, it can equally be used for offensive or defensive purposes, as the blast also destroys all enemy projectiles. However, note that using a missile causes certain bonuses to be disabled. Your ship does not carry any missiles to begin with. You gain one missile every time you collect 25 of the chicken legs that drop down as chickens are killed.
If you collect a present for the same weapon type you are already using, then your weapon is powered up instead.
Rookie difficulty level only: In later levels, you may receive 'charity' energy powerups at the beginning of each wave if your weapon power level is too low.

Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version Free Download

Tips & Tricks

The following tips and tricks will help you survive for longer and will increase your chances of a high score. Caution: This section contains some spoilers! Stop reading if you'd like to maximize your enjoyment by discovering these tricks on your own.
  1. Differently-colored chickens give different amounts of points. In order of increasing score, they are: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, pink.
  2. Unless you're going for an efficiency bonus, keep firing, even if chickens are not around. You never know when they'll enter and you'll score a quick kill.
  3. Keep moving (especially at higher levels) to shake off chickens that attack your current position or lock on and relentlessly pursue you.
  4. Keep your distance from chickens. The farther away you are, the more time you have to react to incoming eggs.
  5. Minimize the time you spend directly underneath chickens. This is the most dangerous place to be since most eggs travel straight down.
  6. Stay at the bottom of the screen, only moving up when absolutely necessary. This is a relatively safe area of the screen since chickens don't normally travel that far down (unless they're attacking you).
  7. Avoid lingering around the edges of the screen, on some waves chickens enter from there and you'll crash into them before you have a chance to react (although the game will generally try to warn you in these circumstances).
  8. Don't try to kill every single chicken in a wave if that means you have to get dangerously close. If a chicken has already gone past you, let it be. Don't risk being egged in the face at close range. You can pass through some waves without firing a single shot.
  9. If a bonus is dangerously close to a falling egg, consider leaving it alone. No bonus is worth a lost life.
  10. Since missiles damage everything, use them to get past asteroid waves easily. A nice side-effect of using missiles on asteroids is that you collect extra points for destroying all of them (it's virtually impossible to do this with a normal weapon).
  11. On some levels, all chickens arrive on the screen from the same spot. Use this to your advantage by 'camping' that spot and killing them one by one as they enter. Be ready to dodge incoming eggs, though.
  12. A highly-powered ion blaster is the best weapon to have on asteroid waves.
  13. The faster asteroids are travelling, the more points they are worth.
  14. Don't fire continuously in asteroid waves, it will clutter your vision and make it more likely that you'll crash into an incoming asteroid. Instead, navigate your way through them and fire concentrated bursts to clear a path when things get too tight. Or, better still, use a missile.
  15. The asteroid belt waves always contain bonuses if you make it there without using a missile.
  16. Try to tackle berserk chickens one at a time by concentrating your fire. Having several chickens going berserk at the same time can get tricky very quickly.
  17. Final level: Use missiles to destroy the swarms of supporting chickens as they appear, allowing you to concentrate on the main boss. The game can be extremely hard to finish otherwise.
  18. At the end of the game, you are awarded extra points for any remaining lives and missiles, so save them if at all possible for that special boost in your final score.
  19. In two player games, stay in your half of the screen. This avoids confusion about which spaceship each player is controlling. Using different weapons also helps. Try to share bonuses as much as possible (see the 'teamplay' bonus). An exception to this is the last level: you'll find it much easier to avoid incoming guided projectiles if both players move close together.
  20. Did you know? You can gain more points if you play at the veteran difficulty level.

Chicken Invaders 2 Christmas Edition Full Version

Cheat Keys

Important note: We suggest you don't use the cheat keys unless you are absolutely stuck. Cheat keys can make things too easy and ruin the game's enjoyment. For cheat keys to work, the relevant option must be turned on in the menu. However, and if cheats are on (regardless of whether a cheat was actually used during the game), any high scores achieved will not be accepted in the internet high score tables. You have been warned. The cheat keys are:
F5 Skips current wave.
F6 Gives an extra life.
F7 Gives weapon powerups.
F8 Gives an extra missile